Student Services

Tutorial Service 

The Jane Norman College has an established tutorial program designed to help students achieve academic success.  Students experiencing academic concerns of any kind should contact Student Success Coordinator, Sandra Muir, who will give them more detailed information about our tutorial program.

Laboratory Settings 

Students have the opportunity to observe and participate in two early learning environments which are housed in the College’s Lorne Street facility.  These two centers ensure that, as well as having classroom instruction and field placements, our students have practical on-site interactions with children in a laboratory setting.

The Dr. Jane Norman Child Study Centre, a non-profit centre, offers a full day child care program for children ages 2-5 years.  The centre is an inclusive environment and, therefore, encourages and supports the integration of children with a variety of special needs.  It also provides training experiences for students of the College as well as other students within the community.

The  Colchester Early Learning Centre Center is a non-profit, independent, board-run center which offers full day programming for preschool children as well as after school programming.  Although the day care is an independent facility, the day care and the College enjoy a cooperative educational affiliation.


Get In Touch

Location: 60 Lorne St #1, Truro, NS B2N 3K3


Telephone: (902) 893-3342

Office Hours: M-F: 8:30am - 4:30pm